Thursday, March 27, 2014

Obama: Gov't Needs to Win Back Public's Trust with Surveillance Reforms

Today during class I came across an article on Democracy Now about the government winning the "trust" of people. As we all know now, the NSA have been quite curious over the last couple of years and many people found this unnerving. Here is the link: Obama: Gov't Needs to Win Back Public's Trust with Surveillance Reforms

Also, I was listening to Edward Snowden speak about his decision to speak out and he said something very compelling to me. "overtime that awareness of wrongdoing builds up, and you feel compelled to talk about it. The more you talk about it the more you're ignored."

Edward was talking about being gained very privileged access to information and noticing abuses that did not sit well with him. Now to me, most human beings should be compelled to speak out when they see something, anything wrong. But the problem is most people don't.  I cannot understand the psychology behind that. This is why there are so many violations in place now. And I am very happy that Snowden made this statement. It is exactly how I feel when it comes down to how we as a people determine wrongdoing.

"if they want to get you, they'll get you in time" - on describing the worlds most powerful nation.

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